D.R.E.A.M. India
Showing 1-10 of 10 results

Old Testament
The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections : Four for the Old Testament and Four for the New Testament, but it should be noted that in each of...
18 Lessons

Authentic & Free Theological Resources
“Authentic & Free Theological Resources” offers links to reliable and free theological materials. These external resources include books, articles, blogs, and magazines, accessible through various websites. They are curated to...
0 Lessons

“E-NIRBHAR” is an online platform offering video resources focused on the capacity building of Christian organizations. It provides educational content aimed at enhancing skills and knowledge for effective ministry and...
0 Lessons

Ready To Use Courses
“Ready-To-Use Courses” offers over 50 theology-related courses designed to provide free access to Christian leaders and those entering Christian ministry. These courses aim to equip participants with foundational theological knowledge...
0 Lessons

New Testament
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
15 Lessons

History of Christian Missions
The course is designed to critically study the changing dynamics of Christian mission throughout the course of history, starting from the apostolic church era in the 1stcentury AD till the...
1 Lesson

A Syllabus for Spiritual Formation
This course is designed to teach students about the Christian life and character. Through this subject the students will know the essential truths related to discipleship and spiritual life which...
1 Lesson

Leadership And Management
This course introduces the student to the nature of leadership in the context of Christian ministry. It draws leadership and management principles from various biblical modes and seeks to relate...
1 Lesson

Christian Ethics
This is an introduction to the moral and ethical aspects of Christian conduct in relation to God, self and society. It includes the study of Old Testament and New Testament...
3 Lessons
Course Categories
- Abundant Grace Services (6)
- Advent (9)
- Affection and Compassion for All (13)
- Agape Foundation (6)
- Agape Mental Health And Research Institute (6)
- Agape Ministries India (16)
- Alpha Charitable Trust (6)
- Alphadia Life Transformation Foundation (6)
- Anderson Memorial Trust (6)
- Apostolic Christian Assembly Jeypore Ministry (6)
- Ashish Welfare Society (6)
- Asia Theological Association, India (6)
- Assam Baptist Convention (6)
- Assembly of God Development Society (6)
- Assembly of God of East India (8)