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HomeAll CoursesIndian Pentecostal Church Northern Region(795)

Indian Pentecostal Church Northern Region(795)

Showing 1-12 of 14 results

Indian Pentecostal Church Northern Region(795)

“Ready-To-Use Courses” offers over 50 theology-related courses designed to provide free access to Christian leaders and those entering Christian ministry. These courses aim to equip participants with foundational theological knowledge...
  • 0 Lessons
Ready To Use Courses
“Ready-To-Use Courses” offers over 50 theology-related courses designed to provide free access to Christian leaders and those entering Christian ministry. These courses aim to equip participants with foundational theological knowledge...
  • 0 Lessons
“E-NIRBHAR” is an online platform offering video resources focused on the capacity building of Christian organizations. It provides educational content aimed at enhancing skills and knowledge for effective ministry and...
  • 0 Lessons
“E-NIRBHAR” is an online platform offering video resources focused on the capacity building of Christian organizations. It provides educational content aimed at enhancing skills and knowledge for effective ministry and...
  • 0 Lessons
“Authentic & Free Theological Resources” offers links to reliable and free theological materials. These external resources include books, articles, blogs, and magazines, accessible through various websites. They are curated to...
  • 0 Lessons
Authentic & Free Theological Resources
“Authentic & Free Theological Resources” offers links to reliable and free theological materials. These external resources include books, articles, blogs, and magazines, accessible through various websites. They are curated to...
  • 0 Lessons
The natural world reveals God (Acts 14:15-17; Rom.1:19-23) Human Conscience reveals God (Rom.2:14-16)Through Special Revelation. Miracles reveal God. When He extends natural laws. When He makes exceptions to natural laws....
  • 9 Lessons
Church Based Theological Education
The natural world reveals God (Acts 14:15-17; Rom.1:19-23) Human Conscience reveals God (Rom.2:14-16)Through Special Revelation. Miracles reveal God. When He extends natural laws. When He makes exceptions to natural laws....
  • 9 Lessons
ALL true work combines [the] two elements of serving and ruling. Ruling is what we do; serving is how we do it. There’s true sovereignty in all good work. There’s...
  • 4 Lessons
Servent Leadership
ALL true work combines [the] two elements of serving and ruling. Ruling is what we do; serving is how we do it. There’s true sovereignty in all good work. There’s...
  • 4 Lessons
The Christian life is not a playground. Rather, it is a battlefield of spiritual warfare. The closer we follow the Lord Jesus Christ, the more we advance to the front...
  • 3 Lessons
Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The Christian life is not a playground. Rather, it is a battlefield of spiritual warfare. The closer we follow the Lord Jesus Christ, the more we advance to the front...
  • 3 Lessons
Students are often surprised and disturbed to learn that many biblical scholars reject the notion that Jesus was anything more than a mere man. How can this be, they ask,...
  • 14 Lessons
Life & Ministry Of Jesus Christ
Students are often surprised and disturbed to learn that many biblical scholars reject the notion that Jesus was anything more than a mere man. How can this be, they ask,...
  • 14 Lessons
Church planters by nature are fast-moving, catalytic people. Taking time to properly prepare can be challenging. Yet, this was key to Jesus’ approach to preparing His disciples. He spent three...
  • 8 Lessons
Evagelism And Church Planting
Church planters by nature are fast-moving, catalytic people. Taking time to properly prepare can be challenging. Yet, this was key to Jesus’ approach to preparing His disciples. He spent three...
  • 8 Lessons
God’s plan and purpose for us is spiritual maturity, for us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. We cannot arrive at divine truth by just following a...
  • 6 Lessons
Bible Study Methods
God’s plan and purpose for us is spiritual maturity, for us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. We cannot arrive at divine truth by just following a...
  • 6 Lessons
General revelation refers to God revealing Himself through His creation (Ps. 19) and through the human conscience (Rom. 2). Knowledge about God through general revelation is limited because it only...
  • 7 Lessons
Basic Bible Doctrines
General revelation refers to God revealing Himself through His creation (Ps. 19) and through the human conscience (Rom. 2). Knowledge about God through general revelation is limited because it only...
  • 7 Lessons