Showing 1405-1416 of 2055 results

Church on a mission will naturally make disciples! The Greek word in NT for disciple is mathetes which means ‘learner’ or ‘pupil’. A Christian or believer is defined as someone...
1 Lesson

Multiplication – Making Disciples
Making disciples is the essence of the Great Commission. If the church is not successful in making disciples, then the church will fail. Currently the church does not have a...
4 Lessons

Old Testament
The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections: four for the Old Testament and four for the New, but it should be noted that in each of these, Christ...
18 Lessons

Preaching is a word that is notoriously difficult to define. The use of the word in every day English carries a variety of meanings, many of them with negative overtones....
7 Lessons

New Testament
The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. They were written by the disciples of Jesus and those closely associated with them. The word Gospel means...
3 Lessons

Until the end of the first two decades of the 20th century, it was widely believed that Hinduism was the religion of the Aryans – the Indo-European nomads – who...
4 Lessons

The librarian at the Beverly Hills, California library simply told the gentleman that he must list at least one personal reference if he expected to get a library card.
9 Lessons

Spiritual Formation
Christian spiritual formation is a process grounded on the biblical and theological concepts of restoration, relationship and shalom.
3 Lessons

Old Testament
The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections: four for the Old Testament and four for the New, but it should be noted that in each of these, Christ...
16 Lessons

Church Leadership
When most Christians hear of church elders, they think of an official church board, lay officials, influential people within the local church, or advisers to the pastor. They think of...
9 Lessons

Evangelism And Church Planting
Church planters by nature are fast-moving, catalytic people. Taking time to properly prepare can be challenging. Yet, this was key to Jesus’ approach to preparing His disciples. He spent three...
2 Lessons
Course Categories
- Abundant Grace Services (6)
- Advent (9)
- Affection and Compassion for All (13)
- Agape Foundation (6)
- Agape Mental Health And Research Institute (6)
- Agape Ministries India (16)
- Alpha Charitable Trust (6)
- Alphadia Life Transformation Foundation (6)
- Anderson Memorial Trust (6)
- Apostolic Christian Assembly Jeypore Ministry (6)
- Ashish Welfare Society (6)
- Asia Theological Association, India (6)
- Assam Baptist Convention (6)
- Assembly of God Development Society (6)
- Assembly of God of East India (8)