Showing 1909-1920 of 2054 results
Mission refers to all that God wishes to accomplish in the world so that he is glorified and God’s kingdom expands universally and comprehensively (missio Dei). It is also the...
9 Lessons
Biblical Manhood & Womanhood
The context of Galatians 3:28 makes abundantly clear the sense in which men and women are equal in Christ: they are equally justified by faith, equally free from the bondage...
10 Lessons
What is the significance of studying a topic like Grace? Our understanding of Grace has a strong bearing on how we live our Christian lives. Many Christians have a distorted view of Grace which...
4 Lessons
Pastoral Care & Counseling
Churches can be extraordinarily busy places. There are so many things to do and to organise. Yet the labourers are few. Many ministers, other church leaders and willing personnel seem...
9 Lessons
Hermeneutics & Homiletics
Word of God performs the purposes for which He designed it. “As the rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth…so...
3 Lessons
The Parables Of Jesus
A parable is a simple story that illustrates a profound truth. Jesus was building a bridge from the natural to the spiritual. Jesus used images and characters taken from everyday...
1 Lesson
Jesus, The Ultimate Leader
There are more than 200 references to the word ‘lead’ in the Bible. Leadership is not a position but a matter of influence process. Regardless of your religious affiliation, the...
1 Lesson
Leadership Lessons
Don’t finish this Bible Plan without doing something about it. Leaders take action on the information that leads to transformation. What exactly is your next step? God stands ready to do...
9 Lessons
New Testament
There are, of course, a number of ways one may approach the study of the Bible: Synthetic—an overview of the Bible as a whole to provide a grasp of the...
15 Lessons
Prayer And Fasting
Fasting and prayer can help us hear God more clearly. To listen to God as you fast, consider combining a time of fasting with a practice of listening prayer. Together,...
1 Lesson
Old Testament
The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections: four for the Old Testament and four for the New, but it should be noted that in each of these, Christ...
18 Lessons
Course Categories
- Abundant Grace Services (6)
- Advent (9)
- Affection and Compassion for All (13)
- Agape Foundation (6)
- Agape Mental Health And Research Institute (6)
- Agape Ministries India (16)
- Alpha Charitable Trust (6)
- Alphadia Life Transformation Foundation (6)
- Anderson Memorial Trust (6)
- Apostolic Christian Assembly Jeypore Ministry (6)
- Ashish Welfare Society (6)
- Asia Theological Association, India (6)
- Assam Baptist Convention (6)
- Assembly of God Development Society (6)
- Assembly of God of East India (8)