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Showing 1933-1944 of 2054 results
Personal Evangelism
The growth of any ministry or Church, both in the universal sense and in the local sense, is something that ought to be of utmost concern to all Christians. “How...
  • 1 Lesson
Successful Marriage
Marriage and the holy institution of Man and Women together is instituted by God. The following reading will help in clarifying the above
  • 1 Lesson
Pioneer Church Planting
In other words, God views us as His people and each individual as part of a spiritual community. To demonstrate God’s desire for the Church, there are several powerful metaphors...
  • 5 Lessons
Methods Of Presenting Gospel
Buddhism is an Eastern religion that revolves primarily around suffering. Its founder is named Siddhartha Guatama. He was born nearly 600 years before Christ. At some point in his young...
  • 4 Lessons
Personal Counseling
There was a time when counseling was associated with those who have extreme mental and psychological problems. If someone is so problematic to the point of depression, they are advised...
  • 4 Lessons
Family Counseling
The librarian at the Beverly Hills, California library simply told the gentleman that he must list at least one personal reference if he expected to get a library card.
  • 9 Lessons
Old Testament
The Holy Bible is a fascinating book. Written over a 1500-year span by more than 40 authors from many walks of life in different places, at different times, in different...
  • 24 Lessons
The universal church is: the total company of the redeemed; all true believers of all ages in all places (including Old Testament saints); those whose names are written in the...
  • 8 Lessons
New Testament
The firsGospels are  based on eye-witness accounts.t four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. They were written by the disciples of Jesus and those closely associated with...
  • 6 Lessons
Planting And Growing Urban Churches
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…’” Genesis 1:28 (KJV) Before we establish a Biblical basis for...
  • 13 Lessons
Counseling In The Urban Cities
Depression has been a part of the human condition since the fall. Sin has created all human brokenness. Throughout the scripture, we see God’s people struggling with this reality, such...
  • 9 Lessons
The universal church is: the total company of the redeemed; all true believers of all ages in all places (including Old Testament saints); those whose names are written in the...
  • 4 Lessons