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Showing 853-864 of 1519 results

The Indian Missionary Movement

There are, of course, a number of ways one may approach the study of the Bible: Synthetic—an overview of the Bible as a whole to provide a grasp of the...
  • 16 Lessons
New Testament
There are, of course, a number of ways one may approach the study of the Bible: Synthetic—an overview of the Bible as a whole to provide a grasp of the...
  • 16 Lessons
God’s plan and purpose for us is spiritual maturity, for us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. We cannot arrive at divine truth by just following a...
  • 7 Lessons
Bible Study Methods
God’s plan and purpose for us is spiritual maturity, for us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. We cannot arrive at divine truth by just following a...
  • 7 Lessons
The Holy Bible is a fascinating book. Written over a 1500-year span by more than 40 authors from many walks of life in different places, at different times, in different...
  • 19 Lessons
Old Testament
The Holy Bible is a fascinating book. Written over a 1500-year span by more than 40 authors from many walks of life in different places, at different times, in different...
  • 19 Lessons
Churches can be extraordinarily busy places. There are so many things to do and to organise. Yet the labourers are few. Many ministers, other church leaders and willing personnel seem...
  • 8 Lessons
Pastoral Ministry
Churches can be extraordinarily busy places. There are so many things to do and to organise. Yet the labourers are few. Many ministers, other church leaders and willing personnel seem...
  • 8 Lessons
The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. They were written by the disciples of Jesus and those closely associated with them. The word Gospel means...
  • 3 Lessons
New Testament
The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. They were written by the disciples of Jesus and those closely associated with them. The word Gospel means...
  • 3 Lessons
“The home and the Church are the only two God ordained “institution” for carrying out his work”. He uses missionaries and evangelists as human instruments to fulfill his eternal purpose...
  • 6 Lessons
Church Administration
“The home and the Church are the only two God ordained “institution” for carrying out his work”. He uses missionaries and evangelists as human instruments to fulfill his eternal purpose...
  • 6 Lessons
Preaching is a word that is notoriously difficult to define. The use of the word in every day English carries a variety of meanings, many of them with negative overtones....
  • 4 Lessons
Preaching Biblical Messages
Preaching is a word that is notoriously difficult to define. The use of the word in every day English carries a variety of meanings, many of them with negative overtones....
  • 4 Lessons
General revelation refers to God revealing Himself through His creation (Ps. 19) and through the human conscience (Rom. 2). Knowledge about God through general revelation is limited because it only...
  • 7 Lessons
Bible Doctrine Survey
General revelation refers to God revealing Himself through His creation (Ps. 19) and through the human conscience (Rom. 2). Knowledge about God through general revelation is limited because it only...
  • 7 Lessons
The Christian Church, which is distinct from the old Israel, developed out of the events described in the central portion of the Apostles’ Creed, i.e., birth, passion and resurrection of...
  • 21 Lessons
Church History Survey
The Christian Church, which is distinct from the old Israel, developed out of the events described in the central portion of the Apostles’ Creed, i.e., birth, passion and resurrection of...
  • 21 Lessons
Preaching is a word that is notoriously difficult to define. The use of the word in every day English carries a variety of meanings, many of them with negative overtones....
  • 10 Lessons
Teaching Principles And Methods
Preaching is a word that is notoriously difficult to define. The use of the word in every day English carries a variety of meanings, many of them with negative overtones....
  • 10 Lessons
 “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…’” Genesis 1:28 (KJV) Before we establish a Biblical basis for...
  • 13 Lessons
Church Planting
 “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…’” Genesis 1:28 (KJV) Before we establish a Biblical basis for...
  • 13 Lessons