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Showing 1045-1056 of 1519 results

Western Sümi Baptist Churches Association

Mission refers to all that God wishes to accomplish in the world so that he is glorified and God’s kingdom expands universally and comprehensively (missio Dei).  It is also the...
  • 8 Lessons
Methods Of Evangelism
Mission refers to all that God wishes to accomplish in the world so that he is glorified and God’s kingdom expands universally and comprehensively (missio Dei).  It is also the...
  • 8 Lessons
Church planters by nature are fast-moving, catalytic people. Taking time to properly prepare can be challenging. Yet, this was key to Jesus’ approach to preparing His disciples. He spent three...
  • 8 Lessons
Church Planting
Church planters by nature are fast-moving, catalytic people. Taking time to properly prepare can be challenging. Yet, this was key to Jesus’ approach to preparing His disciples. He spent three...
  • 8 Lessons
Churches can be extraordinarily busy places. There are so many things to do and to organize. Yet the laborer’s are few. Many ministers, other church leaders and willing personnel seem...
  • 8 Lessons
Pastoral Care And Counseling For The Converts
Churches can be extraordinarily busy places. There are so many things to do and to organize. Yet the laborer’s are few. Many ministers, other church leaders and willing personnel seem...
  • 8 Lessons
This course seeks to give Christians a thorough understanding of Buddhism and Christianity. The course will examine the beginnings, principles, rituals, and teachings of these faiths while highlighting their similarities...
  • 11 Lessons
A Comprehensive Study Of Christian And Buddhism
This course seeks to give Christians a thorough understanding of Buddhism and Christianity. The course will examine the beginnings, principles, rituals, and teachings of these faiths while highlighting their similarities...
  • 11 Lessons
An introduction to basic Bible study methods and rules of interpretation with emphasis on accurately understanding and obeying God’s Word and the development of practical skills. Students will learn to...
  • 1 Lesson
Bible Study Methods
An introduction to basic Bible study methods and rules of interpretation with emphasis on accurately understanding and obeying God’s Word and the development of practical skills. Students will learn to...
  • 1 Lesson
Joshua said “…as for me & my family, we will serve the Lord” (Josh 24:15) God is looking for a ‘Joshua Generation’ who will choose to love & serve Him.
  • 18 Lessons
Old Testament
Joshua said “…as for me & my family, we will serve the Lord” (Josh 24:15) God is looking for a ‘Joshua Generation’ who will choose to love & serve Him.
  • 18 Lessons
There are, of course, a number of ways one may approach the study of the Bible: Synthetic—an overview of the Bible as a whole to provide a grasp of the...
  • 15 Lessons
New Testament
There are, of course, a number of ways one may approach the study of the Bible: Synthetic—an overview of the Bible as a whole to provide a grasp of the...
  • 15 Lessons
The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections: four for the Old Testament and four for the New, but it should be noted that in each of these, Christ...
  • 18 Lessons
Old Testament
The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections: four for the Old Testament and four for the New, but it should be noted that in each of these, Christ...
  • 18 Lessons
There are, of course, a number of ways one may approach the study of the Bible: Synthetic—an overview of the Bible as a whole to provide a grasp of the...
  • 15 Lessons
New Testament
There are, of course, a number of ways one may approach the study of the Bible: Synthetic—an overview of the Bible as a whole to provide a grasp of the...
  • 15 Lessons
Any serious biblical study of race or ethnicity should start in Genesis 1. The Bible does not start off with the creation of a special or privileged race of people....
  • 8 Lessons
Gender Equality
Any serious biblical study of race or ethnicity should start in Genesis 1. The Bible does not start off with the creation of a special or privileged race of people....
  • 8 Lessons