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Showing 1069-1080 of 1519 results

Module 6

  • 0 Lessons
Church Administration & Ordinances
  • 0 Lessons
Leadership Development in the Church
  • 0 Lessons
This course is designed to equip pastors enrolled in the Leadership Development Program with the essential knowledge and skills needed for effective cross-cultural communication in the context of mission and...
  • 4 Lessons
Cross-Cultural Communication
This course is designed to equip pastors enrolled in the Leadership Development Program with the essential knowledge and skills needed for effective cross-cultural communication in the context of mission and...
  • 4 Lessons
Church on a mission will naturally make disciples! The Greek word in NT for disciple is mathetes which means ‘learner’ or ‘pupil’. A Christian or believer is defined as someone...
  • 4 Lessons
Discipleship (Model 2)
Church on a mission will naturally make disciples! The Greek word in NT for disciple is mathetes which means ‘learner’ or ‘pupil’. A Christian or believer is defined as someone...
  • 4 Lessons
The text and the content are important for proper understanding of the Scripture. The text out of context can be pretext.
  • 3 Lessons
Biblical Hermeneutics (Model 2)
The text and the content are important for proper understanding of the Scripture. The text out of context can be pretext.
  • 3 Lessons
The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections: four for the Old Testament and four for the New, but it should be noted that in each of these, Christ...
  • 18 Lessons
Old Testament
The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections: four for the Old Testament and four for the New, but it should be noted that in each of these, Christ...
  • 18 Lessons
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of women’s ministry within a Christian context. It covers the biblical and theological foundations pertaining to women’s roles in ministry, historical perspectives, leadership development,...
  • 7 Lessons
Women’s Ministry
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of women’s ministry within a Christian context. It covers the biblical and theological foundations pertaining to women’s roles in ministry, historical perspectives, leadership development,...
  • 7 Lessons
The Holy Bible is a fascinating book. Written over a 1500-year span by more than 40 authors from many walks of life in different places, at different times, in different...
  • 24 Lessons
Old Testament
The Holy Bible is a fascinating book. Written over a 1500-year span by more than 40 authors from many walks of life in different places, at different times, in different...
  • 24 Lessons