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Showing 1117-1128 of 1519 results

Jeevan Nirman Trust

ALL true work combines [the] two elements of serving and ruling. Ruling is what we do; serving is how we do it. There’s true sovereignty in all good work. There’s...
  • 4 Lessons
Servant Leadership
ALL true work combines [the] two elements of serving and ruling. Ruling is what we do; serving is how we do it. There’s true sovereignty in all good work. There’s...
  • 4 Lessons
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 15 Lessons
New Testament
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 15 Lessons
General revelation refers to God revealing Himself through His creation (Ps. 19) and through the human conscience (Rom. 2). Knowledge about God through general revelation is limited because it only...
  • 7 Lessons
Biblical Doctrines
General revelation refers to God revealing Himself through His creation (Ps. 19) and through the human conscience (Rom. 2). Knowledge about God through general revelation is limited because it only...
  • 7 Lessons
Students are often surprised and disturbed to learn that many biblical scholars reject the notion that Jesus was anything more than a mere man. How can this be, they ask,...
  • 14 Lessons
Life And Mission Of Jesus Christ
Students are often surprised and disturbed to learn that many biblical scholars reject the notion that Jesus was anything more than a mere man. How can this be, they ask,...
  • 14 Lessons
Church on a mission will naturally make disciples! The Greek word in NT for disciple is mathetes which means ‘learner’ or ‘pupil’. A Christian or believer is defined as someone...
  • 1 Lesson
Christian Discipleship
Church on a mission will naturally make disciples! The Greek word in NT for disciple is mathetes which means ‘learner’ or ‘pupil’. A Christian or believer is defined as someone...
  • 1 Lesson
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 15 Lessons
New Testament
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 15 Lessons
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 15 Lessons
New Testament
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 15 Lessons
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 15 Lessons
New Testament
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 15 Lessons
The root of the word “religion” is usually traced to the Latin religare (re: back, and ligare: to bind), the term is associated with “being bound.”
  • 20 Lessons
Major Religions In India
The root of the word “religion” is usually traced to the Latin religare (re: back, and ligare: to bind), the term is associated with “being bound.”
  • 20 Lessons
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 4 Lessons
Four Gosples Survey
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 4 Lessons
“The art of preaching, so far as this is an art; sacred eloquence;  the method of addressing an audience on the highest subjects which, with the Divine blessing, is most...
  • 16 Lessons
“The art of preaching, so far as this is an art; sacred eloquence;  the method of addressing an audience on the highest subjects which, with the Divine blessing, is most...
  • 16 Lessons
If you feel a calling to plant a church, then you truly are in for an incredibly rewarding spiritual adventure. Too many times, people get caught up in the excitement...
  • 3 Lessons
Church Planting
If you feel a calling to plant a church, then you truly are in for an incredibly rewarding spiritual adventure. Too many times, people get caught up in the excitement...
  • 3 Lessons