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Showing 1153-1164 of 1519 results

Soul Winning Mission

As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 15 Lessons
New Testament
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 15 Lessons
The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections: four for the Old Testament and four for the New, but it should be noted that in each of these, Christ...
  • 18 Lessons
Old Testament
The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections: four for the Old Testament and four for the New, but it should be noted that in each of these, Christ...
  • 18 Lessons
Having finished the survey of the historical books, we now come to the twenty-one epistles of the New Testament, twenty-two if one includes Revelation as an epistle. Because of its...
  • 7 Lessons
The Pauline Epistles
Having finished the survey of the historical books, we now come to the twenty-one epistles of the New Testament, twenty-two if one includes Revelation as an epistle. Because of its...
  • 7 Lessons
Students are often surprised and disturbed to learn that many biblical scholars reject the notion that Jesus was anything more than a mere man. How can this be, they ask,...
  • 14 Lessons
Life And Teachings Of Lord Jesus Christ
Students are often surprised and disturbed to learn that many biblical scholars reject the notion that Jesus was anything more than a mere man. How can this be, they ask,...
  • 14 Lessons
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 4 Lessons
Four Gosples Survey
As previously mentioned, the New Testament falls into three categories based on their literary makeup—the historical, the epistolary, and the prophetical. The four Gospels make up about 46 percent and...
  • 4 Lessons
The study of the life of Abraham is important because he was chosen by God to become the father of a new nation. In God’s dealings, seeds were planted in...
  • 4 Lessons
Bible Characters Studies
The study of the life of Abraham is important because he was chosen by God to become the father of a new nation. In God’s dealings, seeds were planted in...
  • 4 Lessons
“The art of preaching, so far as this is an art; sacred eloquence;  the method of addressing an audience on the highest subjects which, with the Divine blessing, is most...
  • 16 Lessons
“The art of preaching, so far as this is an art; sacred eloquence;  the method of addressing an audience on the highest subjects which, with the Divine blessing, is most...
  • 16 Lessons
God’s plan and purpose for us is spiritual maturity, for us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. We cannot arrive at divine truth by just following a...
  • 8 Lessons
Inductive Bible Study Methods
God’s plan and purpose for us is spiritual maturity, for us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. We cannot arrive at divine truth by just following a...
  • 8 Lessons
Churches can be extraordinarily busy places. There are so many things to do and to organize. Yet the laborer’s are few. Many ministers, other church leaders and willing personnel seem...
  • 8 Lessons
Pastoral Care And Counseling
Churches can be extraordinarily busy places. There are so many things to do and to organize. Yet the laborer’s are few. Many ministers, other church leaders and willing personnel seem...
  • 8 Lessons
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…’” Genesis 1:28 (KJV) Before we establish a Biblical basis for...
  • 19 Lessons
Church & Church Planting
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…’” Genesis 1:28 (KJV) Before we establish a Biblical basis for...
  • 19 Lessons
Church on a mission will naturally make disciples! The Greek word in NT for disciple is mathetes which means ‘learner’ or ‘pupil’. A Christian or believer is defined as someone...
  • 1 Lesson
Church on a mission will naturally make disciples! The Greek word in NT for disciple is mathetes which means ‘learner’ or ‘pupil’. A Christian or believer is defined as someone...
  • 1 Lesson
This course in Bible Study Methods is designed to equip individuals with the foundational skills and knowledge necessary for effective and enriching personal or group Bible study. Rooted in Protestant...
  • 0 Lessons
Bible Study Methods
This course in Bible Study Methods is designed to equip individuals with the foundational skills and knowledge necessary for effective and enriching personal or group Bible study. Rooted in Protestant...
  • 0 Lessons